Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

Issues of privacy and confidentiality can be arise with the topic of new media. Some of these issues include things such as cookies, billing and shipping addresses being saved on certain websites, sites saving your payment information, sites that sell your information or eyes to advertising agency to make money by selling targeted ads to certain customers. To some consumers their privacy and confidentiality mean everything however to others, they are willing to give that up for a service. For example many of us have or use a google mail account. So how does google benefit from giving us a free e-mailing service? well its simple, because in the beginning when you click accept you are giving google permission to use your information for advertisements, contact info, and tracking what kind of info you receive. Amazon is another site that also in a way can cause issues of privacy and confidentiality to arise. When you order from Amazon for the first time, or make an account with them, Amazon sends a cookie to your computer identifying you as an individual and every time you visit Amazon after that they know what your preferences are, your billing and shipping, what kind of products you would be interested in, and how they can advertise to you effectively. All in all, many of us do not read the fine print where companies may ask you to give up some of your privacy and confidentiality for a free service, but I don't see anything wrong with that, however that is solely my opinion.

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