Tuesday, November 22, 2016

P2P File Sharing

File sharing by definition is the the ability or practice of transferring files from one persons computer to another. According to "Content Producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it" by NMA staff, P2P file sharing means Peer to Peer file sharing. P2P file sharing mainly occurs through sites that have to do with downloading or torrenting. Some sites that they used in their article included PirateBay, Digg, SlashDot, and BoingBoing. How these sites work is that people who have already downloaded or owns a specific file can share their file via their website by acting as a seed where others can then download that file. The speed of the download depends on how many seeds or people currently have the file up for others to download. Some examples of P2P file sharing can include music, games, and movies. The most popular ones being music and movies. 

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