Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Advice to Baruch College

My advice to Baruch College if they want to incorporate new media to improve the college may include things such as creating more hybrid courses, fully online courses, teaching professors how to use new media, teaching via things like FaceTime, and Skype from virtually anywhere. Although Baruch is already beginning to incorporate new media into the college, I believe that the biggest factor or problem may be that some professors don't really understand new media, and how to use it, thus they stick to old media. Some professors that I have come across sometimes don't allow electronics in classrooms which includes phones, laptops, and tablets. They tend to like the old fashion way by using pen and paper. Although some people may not have a problem with that, i believe that how things are taught and learned should be evolving along with technology not only because with technology almost everything is virtually made easier, but because with new growing trends and way to learn, most kids aren't going to want to learn face to face or write things with pen and paper. Many will probably want to learn via internet, and taking notes with electronics. 


  1. Hey Kenny! This is always an interesting topic to bring up about college. I agree there should be at least options to have hybrid or fully online courses. It gives flexibility to those who sometimes can't make on-campus classes fit into their schedule. It's also true that as technology evolves, the systems in place should try to evolve as well because everybody learns better in what they are comfortable with. Like, there's visual learners, hands-on, and those that can study by reading the textbook or power points. Maybe learning through online classes work better for some in the same way. I personally like going to a classroom, but at the very least there should be an option for those that want to learn your way.

  2. Hi Kenny! Great blog, totally agree regarding professors having to change with new media. Nothing is more frustrating then when an old school professor doesn't allow technology in their class, and because of this some people may not be able to keep up with taking notes if the professor is verbally lecturing and talking way too fast.

  3. Hi Kenny,

    I absolutely agree with you that Baruch should have to open more hybrid course, fully online course for student who has a busy schedule and can not match with the regular class schedule. Online course is flexible. Student can study and do their homework/assignment at anytime they want. I would love to enroll in hybrid or fully online course.
