Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Social Networking

Social Networking can be used in many ways whether it is corporate or not. According to Frank Langfitt's Article "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" one form of use for social networking is recruiting people for jobs. One example that Langfitt used in his article is Linkedin, which is a social network comprised of over 8 million professionals spread throughout the world. Through the site employers of recruiters are able to search for candidates that have qualities or specialties in certain areas with the click of a button. The benefits of this technology to society may include things such as ease of job recruiting, connecting people from other countries or locally with ease, it can help spread information quickly, and it can also help law enforcement in solving crimes. However, according to Clive Thompson's article "Brave New World of Digital Intimacy", it shows a so called "dark side" to social networking. In the article the idea of personal privacy was brought up, seemingly they compared it to a giant party where everyone can eavesdrops on everyone else. This meant a loss of privacy to the users as they posted heaps on information about themselves when Facebook began such as what they liked, their favorite shows and other things such as birthdays or special events of their lives. In my opinion I think that social networking will start to evolve and continue to grow as technology is constantly advancing, thus the good may outweigh the bad aspects in the future. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on how social networks have improved our ways of job hunting and recruitment. In the past few years, Linkedin has grown significantly, and they've recently lowered their age limit to 13 years old because of how popular it is for professionals to stay connected and recruit potential employees. I also agree that social networking is similar to a huge party where everyone is eavesdropping on everyone else. With so many people on social media, it has gotten harder and harder for people to keep their personal lives completely private and companies even investigate and look into people's social media profiles to see if they're really the potential candidate they claim to be. Social networking really has it's pros and cons, and I also think that social networks will only grow and evolve into something good that will outweigh the cons of social networks.
