Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

There are many ways virtual worlds can used, some of which include business meetings, exploring virtual versions of the city you live in, and also in the fashion world where you can shop, try on clothes on virtual avatars. Some pros of virtual reality may be that it gives the users simple access to places or things that they may have a hard time getting to or doing in the real world. It also changes the meaning of social communication because many people nowadays meet each other virtually whether they are playing games or hanging  out with friends. Cons of virtual may include the lack of face to face communication as virtual worlds are "virtual". Other Cons may include people who don't have access to the technology will not be able to keep up with the trends of society. According to "Going to the virtual office in Second Life" by Mark Tutton, the developers of Second Life, are looking to expand their business in a way businesses can virtual meetings on their secured networks which may them private. I myself believe that this is the direction where the future is headed, as now we depends more and more on technology as it is constantly being upgraded and changed. On the other hand, An article named "No Budget, No Boundaries; It's the Real You" by Ruth La Ferla, there is a different take on virtual worlds. She talks about how people can spend cash in exchange for virtual currency in that articular world. It is said that even though spending in the real world went down due to recessions and etc, people don't stop spending on lavish products in the virtual worlds as they can afford it there. These virtual worlds foster creativity in a sense that, technology around us is getting more and more advanced. Especially where there has been integration between physical movement in the real world correlating to movement in the virtual world with the help of oculus rift, and Virtuix Omni, soon virtual reality is gonna be on a different level than what we currently experience. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kenny,

    Great post about virtual worlds. I agree that soon, virtual reality will transform even more and change the future even more. I think virtual worlds are a good alternative to face-to-face communication also, especially when someone cannot physically be in one place at a certain time. However, I am doubtful that business meetings will begin to be held using a virtual world like Second Life. I believe businesses will stick to traditional methods, or use other platforms such as Skype. It doesn’t seem very realistic to create virtual characters and attend a meeting. I also think it’s great that virtual worlds can be used in the fashion industry, where we can try on clothes virtually before purchasing. As someone who is very indecisive when shopping, this is one feature that I really appreciate.

    Blog: www.jleenewmedia.wordpress.com
