Tuesday, October 18, 2016

BLOG: Social Networking Sites

The four social networking sites that I will be discussing are Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Linkedin. My first impression of Facebook is that it has a very nice setup that is easy for anyone to understand. I have been using Facebook for awhile now and I haven't had any trouble with their setup. It is definitely a good networking site in my opinion as you can search for friends, join groups with similar interests whether its for games, buying and selling, discussions, a study group, Facebook makes it simple for you to have access to those options. The second social networking site Twitter seems simpler than Facebook. It basically lets the user "Tweet" what their interested in, what they are doing, or anything for that matter. Aside from sharing your life story and events, they have a cool feature using the #hashtag that connects all Tweets that use that #hashtag. I find this a very convenient tool that have caught onto other social networking sites such as Instagram and Tumblr  On the side bar after you log in it has a convenient list that shows the most popular trends or #hashtags up to date so you can check those out if they appeal to you. Overall its a very solid social networking site. The third site I will be discussing is Linkedin. Linkedin is actually a more professional version of Facebook. They both offer the same things however, linkedin is more of a job finding site since it takes your experience and resume and puts it into your profile. Everyone seems to be more mature on linkedin in a sense that it doesn't have random videos shared on it, unlike Facebook. The final site Reddit, it is similar to that of wikipedia but people can discuss certain topics freely without being restricted. It provides sub topics also known as subreddits, these are for people who want to focus on a specific topic they are looking for or interested in. The setup is similar to twitter in a sense that the top shared and top viewed are listed on the first page. The pages are set up so that you can scroll down each one and see what other people have posted and if you decide your up to it you can even contribute to the specific topic and create new links to share with other people. Like Facebook reddit has many groups or pages that can be made whether its for gaming, buying and selling, or just talking about random topics you'll be able to find them on reddit. 

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